Document ClassesUnderstanding svjour3

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Understanding svjour3

Post by fot »


I guess the answer to my question is kind of obvious, but I cannot find it, so maybe someone with more experience in Latex can help me... I want to generate a graphic with Inkscape for Latex, in order to position the text correctly I would like to know the font size and line spacing (for normal text) used in svjour3 (can be found here: ... -templates).

If someone could help me or tell me where to look (I guess in the .cls but could not find anything like setspace in it ;)) I would very much appreciate it.

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Understanding svjour3

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

Every class file has options that set the font size; the \ExecuteOptions command sets the defaults. In your case, that line is

Code: Select all

This implies 10 points. Their advice to use mathptmx (I prefer txfonts, which uses the same body font but does some math symbols differently and does other things as well) suggests they want Times size 10pt.

Most journals are OK with Times or Helvetica (or clones thereof) for images. Using EPS format might even allow them to change your fonts, if necessary, to match the journal's preferences (I have encountered a publisher who did that).
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