I am writing my thesis and I have noticed something rather odd..
I have an appendix with some text in it and after that I have a list of abreviations.
The List of ABreviations is currently two pages long. The first page looks fine, it has the big heading that all new chapters have. The second page however has should have the name of the current chapter in the top right corner of the page. Only that it is not showing the title for the list of abreviations but that of the last chapter of the appendix (see the images in the attached zip-archive). I am using an document class that is based on scrreprt but hsa abeen altered by someone at my university.
% Inlcuding all the chapters
Intersting Stuff about Multicast
Interesting file in a verbatim enviroment
\acro{ARP}{Address Resolution Protocol}
% Many more acronyms