I searched the net and I can't find the exact solution to my problem.
I'd like my report preamble to be numbered in roman numbers and the rest in arabic numbers.
I kind of succeded but the sections are still numbered as usual and my first 'real' chapther, the introduction is now listed as chapter 6.
I use the "article" version.
Below is my main:
Code: Select all
%-----bibliography begin -----%
\usepackage[backend=biber, sorting=none]{biblatex}
%-----bibliography end -----%
%-----header/footer -----%
\fancyfoot[L]{Section \thesection}
\fancyfoot[C]{Kristian Dalgaard}
\fancyfoot[R]{Page \thepage \hspace{1pt} of \pageref{LastPage}}
%-----header/footer -----%
The sections I'd like to have in 'contents' but without chapter numbers: In the text-files I'd like the sections and subsections to have the roman numbering: I'd like my footer to count the preamble as one thnig and rest of document as another and I'd like \lastpage to be last page of preamble and counted in roman numbers: The roman/arabic pagecount I currently have only does a little of what I need.
Would I e.g. need a second header/footer setup for preamble?
Thank you and have a good day