Page LayoutHow to force table of contents to not show pages before it?

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How to force table of contents to not show pages before it?

Post by lukaszskowron96 »


So basically the subject summarises what I want to do.

My document comprises of:

1st page: title page (no page number)
2nd page: abstract (i)
3rd page: acknowledgements (ii)
4th page: table of contents (iii)
5th page: document starts (1)

I want my arabic numbering to start from page 5(I know how to do that) and I want table of contents to be showing everything from 5th page only.

Here is the code I am using:

Code: Select all



\usepackage[a4paper, left=20mm, right=20mm, top=20mm]{geometry}


\rhead{ }
\lhead{ }







Cover Page




\lhead{Chapter 1: Introduction}

\section{Chapter 2}



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Posts: 36
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:01 pm

How to force table of contents to not show pages before it?

Post by lukaszskowron96 »

I actually sorted it out.

I put:


in the preamble and then after \begin{document}


Also had to delete all:


I hope somebody finds this helpful!
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