Fonts & Character SetsEmpty space before text in cyrillic

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Empty space before text in cyrillic

Post by pmh63 »

I am working with a Latex document that occasionally contains some words in Russian. For some reason, before those words there is often an empty space that should not be there. Can anyone tell how to get rid of it?

in the former Soviet Union) where record are denominated archival (sing. \textcyr{arhivny{\u i} dokument}) only if they are considered worth permanent preservation for scientific or other purposes (e.g. Enders, Archivverwaltungslehre, pp. 10-11;\textcyr{Teoriya i praktika arhivnogo dela v SSSR}, pp. 35-36). -- It can be added that in the Russian

Below is an image showing how the result looks like.
Orrman.png (40.76 KiB) Viewed 3270 times

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Empty space before text in cyrillic

Post by pmh63 »

OK, I found a partial fix myself. This should be

in the former Soviet Union) where record are denominated archival (sing. {\cyr arhivny{\u i} dokument}) only if they are considered worth permanent preservation for scientific or other purposes (e.g. Enders, Archivverwaltungslehre, pp. 10-11;{\cyr Teoriya i praktika arhivnogo dela v SSSR}, pp. 35-36). -- It can be in the Russian

then the problem disappears in the bibliography, for instance, but NOT in this example.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Empty space before text in cyrillic

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the forum!

Perhaps post document code that we can test. We cannot see which packages you are using.

Stefan admin
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