Page LayoutShow glossaries as chapter in text but show as sections in contents

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Show glossaries as chapter in text but show as sections in contents

Post by Oleiro »

Hello everyone!

I am using the glossaries package to create two different glossaries.

Code: Select all

\newglossary*{Abbs}{List of Abbreviations}
\newglossary*{ICPs}{List of Institutions, Companies \& Policies}
I am trying to display them just like the list of figure or list of tables within the document. So show them in the same style as a chapter and start on the right page. However, I would like them to be displayed in the style of a section in the contents. So exactly as when I use:

Code: Select all

The way I have glossaries in the preambel implemented is the following:

Code: Select all

And then I call the glossaries in the standard way:

Code: Select all

When I use "section=section" it shows the two lists correctly in the contents, however, they are not shown properly in the document. When I comment it out, the lists are shown properly in the document but not in the contents.

How can I have the chapter style in the document but the section style in the contents for both glossaries?

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Show glossaries as chapter in text but show as sections in contents

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

Do you actually want the glossaries as sections, or is it more that you want them as unnumbered chapters? It would be weird to have a chapter-level entity (such as a glossary) as a subsection of the previous chapter, but if that's what you want...try this:

Code: Select all


\newglossary*{Abbs}{List of Abbreviations}
\newglossary*{ICPs}{List of Institutions, Companies, and Policies}
\newglossaryentry{company}{name={Big Corporation},description={Blah}}
\chapter{My chapter}
\section{Its first section}
Here's my \gls{abbr} term.
\section{Its second section}
Here's another \gls{company} entry.
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Show glossaries as chapter in text but show as sections in contents

Post by Oleiro »

Hey kaiserkarl13,

Thanks for your reply. Maybe I was a bit unclear. I don't want them as actual sections but they are supposed to have the same look as the one that you get from using \listoffigures or \listoftables.

I have tried a very basic approach by using \addcontentsline. Here is the code

Code: Select all


\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Abbreviations}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Institutions, Companies \& Policies}
This gives me almost the desired result but obviously the page number of "List of Institutions..." is wrong.

I attached an image of the look that I need and of the look that I get when I simply use \printnoidxglossaries.
What I do not want.png
What I do not want.png (14.79 KiB) Viewed 5318 times
What I want.png
What I want.png (26.74 KiB) Viewed 5318 times
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