Fonts & Character SetsUse a local font in a class file

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Use a local font in a class file

Post by knp »

Hi everyone,

I'm a beginner on LaTeX and I've been spending too much time on that small issue that I can't give up. That's pretty basic I guess, but I can't manage to find the accurate instruction despite hours of trying.

I want to create my own CV from this template : ... s-resumecv

What I want to do is to remove the original font of the template by a local font of my computer, let's say the "Ubuntu" font.

I understand XeLaTex is needed. I installed it. Now if in a TexMaker blank file I type :

Code: Select all

\XeTeXdefaultencoding utf-8
\section{Custom fonts}

I then get a file with the Ubuntu font. However there is no way to get this Ubuntu font on that CV, in the .tex file. "setmainfont" doesn't work, "renewfamilykinda" neither.

I guess instructions should be written in the class file .cls of the CV, but everything I tried did not work.

Please, help me :)
Last edited by knp on Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Use a local font in a class file

Post by knp »

Some news on my attempt :

I've been trying to install two .sty files following this method :

Which consists on the execution of these lines in the terminal :

Code: Select all

sudo mkdir /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/ubuntu
sudo cp foo.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/ubuntu
sudo texhash
But the use of the line \usepackage{ubuntu} in both my template or my .cls file give no results.
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Use a local font in a class file

Post by Johannes_B »

If the fonts are properly installed on the system, XeLaTeX should have no problems finding them. There shouldn't be any need to change a class file, which is discouraged anyway due to license issues.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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