I have a Problem in the Appendix section of my Thesis.
in Latex I have a main file which controls all the chapter and othher things. In that file I have a part for appnedix:
Code: Select all
\ihead{\normalfont Appendix}
the appendix1.tex is in another chaper that I try to add Appendix inside. In appendix1.tex I just write: \chapter{example Appendix}. And in the output pdf (in Appendix section) I see 2 pages. First page: the capital Appendix (completely free) and the second page: B example Appendix. Do you know, why it is starting form 2. page of the appendix chapter ?
link for a sample Output: dropbox.com/s/zomhpxxa91yrphh/appendix.pdf?dl=0