well, I didn't see a way to adapt the arrow box directly...but where's the problem drawing the shape you want yourself?
Code: Select all
%\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes.arrows}
\node[shape=rectangle, text width=5em] (x) at (0,0){This is a side note, like a post-it, which explains the text on the left side of the page.};
\draw[blue] (x.south west) -- (x.south east) -- (x.north east) -- (x.north west) % the four corners
-- ++(0pt, \dimexpr0.5\arrshaftwidth-\arrdrop) % start of the arrow's shaft
-- ++(\dimexpr\arrheadlength-\arrlength, 0pt) %start of the arrow's neck
-- ++(0pt, \dimexpr0.5\arrheadwidth-0.5\arrshaftwidth)
-- ++(-\arrheadlength, -0.5\arrheadwidth) %the arrow's tip
-- ++(\arrheadlength, -0.5\arrheadwidth)
-- ++(0pt, \dimexpr0.5\arrheadwidth-0.5\arrshaftwidth)
-- ++(\dimexpr\arrlength-\arrheadlength, 0pt) %back to the box
-- cycle;
\draw[red, <->] (x.north west) ++(0pt, -\arrdrop) -- ++(-\arrlength, 0pt);