Theses, Books, Title pagesRemoving the "A" in front of "Appendix"

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Removing the "A" in front of "Appendix"

Post by Seanshine »

Dear readers,

I am trying to remove the "A" in front of "Appendix". What line of code should I put in the preamble in order to do so?

Furthermore, what is the best position within main.tex for the additional lines of code? This is what I've done thus far:

Code: Select all

11pt,english, onehalfspacing, nolistspacing, liststotoc, headsepline,oneside, 
chapterinoneline, leqno, 
%consistentlayout, change the layout of the declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages to match the default layout




\hypersetup{pdftitle=\ttitle} % Set the PDF's title to your title
\hypersetup{pdfauthor=\authorname} % Set the PDF's author to your name
\hypersetup{pdfkeywords=\keywordnames} % Set the PDF's keywords to your keywords

\renewcommand{\chaptermarkformat}{1 }

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Removing the "A" in front of "Appendix"

Post by Johannes_B »

\chaptermarkformat{1 } is just wrong. So wrong. I told you how to get what you want.

Have you tried \addchap{Appendix}, the normal way to achieve an unnumbered chapter with this template.
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Removing the "A" in front of "Appendix"

Post by Seanshine »

Hi Johannes,

I've actually used

Code: Select all

which was suggested by you in one of the other posts.

This is what I used in the Appendix section of the main.tex:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

did not work unfortunately.
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Removing the "A" in front of "Appendix"

Post by Johannes_B »

I've actually used

Code: Select all

which was suggested by you in one of the other posts.
Redefining that command is correct, but your redefinition suddenly has one number in it, which is wrong.

Code: Select all

% Masters/Doctoral Thesis 
% LaTeX Template
% Version 2.5 (27/8/17)
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% Version 2.x major modifications by:
% Vel (
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english, % ngerman for German
chapterinoneline, % Uncomment to place the chapter title next to the number on one line
]{MastersDoctoralThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure
\ihead{\headmark Author p X}
\addchap works for me.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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