MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsNomencl rejects left indices

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Nomencl rejects left indices

Post by Lucker10 »

Hello, I have the following symbol:
${^B\!}f_i$ which describes a vector in the frame {B}.
I declare the symbol to nomencl with
\nomenclature[yx ]{${^B\!}f_i$}{Vector $f$ in \{B\} frame}.

The problem is that nomencl seems to misinterpret the "\!" (which reduces the space between the index and the symbol) as a subitem or something, as the main.nls shows:

Code: Select all

\item yx ${^B\
   \subitem [{${^B\
   	\subsubitem } f_i$}] \begingroup Vector $f$ in \{B\} frame\nomeqref {\relax 4.7}
Any ideas how to fix this?

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Nomencl rejects left indices

Post by Johannes_B »

Can you make a compilable example out of this?
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Nomencl rejects left indices

Post by Lucker10 »

I found a workaround which is using \negthinspace instead of \!. So it seems to be a bug within nomencl. I will give an example asap.
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Nomencl rejects left indices

Post by Johannes_B »

! is special for indexes, meaning a sub-index entry.

So, i don't know how this can be considered a bug?
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Nomencl rejects left indices

Post by Lucker10 »

Well but \! is still a command, or not? So it should recognize it imo and only interpret a single ! as a sub-index entry.
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Nomencl rejects left indices

Post by Johannes_B »

The makeindex program is a different thing, using a different language, meaning a different parser.
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Nomencl rejects left indices

Post by Lucker10 »

Well I think you can close this topic as the answer is that makeindex does not allow \! and needs \negthinspace instead.
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