Document ClassesCreating a multi-labeled question bank with xsim/exam

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Amir Hossein
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Creating a multi-labeled question bank with xsim/exam

Post by Amir Hossein »

I want to make a question bank on functional equations problems (in mathematical olympiads) using xsim or exam (or any other) packages.

The number of the questions is huge (around 3000) and I have 10 .tex files, each of which contains a portion of the problems (around 300 in each file). My goal is to label the problems with (say) three labels domain=R, domain=Q, and domain=Z, and then use the sub-labels cauchy-based or jensen-based for each of the labels, so that in the end I would have 6 different categories of problems. Then I want to print all problems in each of these categories in a separate chapter of a book.

I skimmed through xsim and exam documentations and the closest thing I've found is this example from xsim, but that doesn't do what I want.

I would be really happy to hear some suggestions. Maybe there is a mysterious package that I don't know of? Please help me! Thanks.

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Creating a multi-labeled question bank with xsim/exam

Post by Johannes_B »

The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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