I'm using the memoir document class to typeset a book for my math class. However, when I type the section
Code: Select all
\section{Κανόνας \textlatin{DeL' Hospital}}
Κανόνας DeL' Hospital
in the header of the current chapter it gets printed as
I'm presenting the entire preamble since in a vanilla document I cannot reproduce the problem , although in the header of the vanilla I don't get that weird symbol but I got ' either.
Code: Select all
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{memoir}
\usepackage[english, greek]{babel}
%chapter style ( Bringhurst chapter style)
% not then font used by Bringhurst, but anyway:
% we want to letterspace uppercased words and those in small caps, so:
% the chapter style:
% numbered chapters:
% unnumbered chapters:
% sections and subsections:
\setsecnumformat{\normalfont\csname the#1\endcsname\quad}
%tikz & pgf
\usetikzlibrary{fit, shapes,snakes,arrows,intersections, backgrounds,calc, trees, hobby}
\tikzset{point/.style={circle,draw=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=3pt}}
\node[shape=circle, fill=cyan!20!,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}
%horizontal nested sets for numbers
% initial position
% number of sets
% list of sets
% reversed list of colors
% position and draw labels of sets
\coordinate (circle-0) at (#1);
\coordinate (set-0) at (#1);
\foreach \set [count=\c] in \listofnestedsets {
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\cminusone}{\c - 1}
% label of current set (below previous nested set)
\node[right=3pt of circle-\cminusone,inner sep=0]
(set-\c) {$\mathbb{\set}$};
% current set (fit current label and previous set)
\node[ellipse,inner sep=0,fit=(circle-\cminusone)(set-\c)]
(circle-\c) {};
% draw and fill sets in reverse order
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\foreach \col[count=\c] in \reversedlistofcolors {
\node[ellipse,draw,fill=\col,inner sep=0,
fit=(circle-\invc)(set-\invcplusone)] {};
%labeling figures
%custom commands / environments
%remove chapter enumeration in equations
%true or false boxes
%floor function
declare function={Floor(\x)=round(\x-0.5);},
declare function={Ceil(\x)=round(\x+0.5);}
execute at end plot visualization={\global\firstmarkertrue},
scatter/@pre marker code/.code={
\draw [densely dashed] (marker-|0,0) -- (0,0);
\draw plot [mark=*,mark options={fill=white}] coordinates {(marker-|0,0)};
\draw [densely dashed] (marker-|0,0) -- (0,0);
\draw plot [mark=*] coordinates {(marker-|0,0)};
\coordinate (marker) at (0,0);
scatter/@post marker code/.code={\end{scope}}
%complete gibberish
%define new chapter style (just for a nicer look)
\settowidth{\chapindent}{\chapnumfont 111}
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={([yshift=-.6ex]current bounding box.center)}]
\node[fill=yourcolor,circle,text=white] {\thechapter};
\hrule height 1.5pt}
{\chaptitlefont ##1}}
%use new chapter style
%command to print the acutal minitoc
\node[rounded corners,align=left,fill=yourcolor, blur shadow={shadow blur steps=5}, inner sep=5mm]{%
\begin{minipage}{8cm}%minipage trick
%plot of Weierstrass function
\expandafter\c@pgfmath@counta\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
\advance\c@pgfmath@counta by-1\relax%
\section{Κανόνας \textlatin{DeL' Hospital}}