Page LayoutDuplex Printing with same back page on all documents

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Duplex Printing with same back page on all documents

Post by bstorz »

Hello all,

Very new LaTeX user and I was given an assignment at work to try and print a duplex document that has the same back page on all of the documents.

The document is a form that has a table as part of the first page, depending on the number of items in the table, it will occasionally spill onto subsequent pages.

The back of all the pages should have a legal statement.

I haven't started on the document yet but was wondering if there was a way to break the table as a section, insert a page break and then continue with the section on the following pages?

Thanks in advance.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Duplex Printing with same back page on all documents

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hello Bryan!

You could create two documents, one with our content and table, and the other one with the single back page. Then a third document can be made that uses pdfpages to merge both documents page by page.

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Duplex Printing with same back page on all documents

Post by bstorz »

Thanks Stefan!

That looks like it could work. Thank you for the link and I'll try to get it working. I may check back with you if I run into any issues.

Thanks again.
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