Before posting a naive question, allow me to say I am naive: I downloaded and installed MikTeX 2.7, GSView 4.9 & WinEdt 5.5 yesterday (on a Vista HP SP1 machine) having never touched TeX/LaTex/*eX at all. I'm half way through "LaTeX for Novices", have read the 1st 76pages of "The Memoir Class" user guide [what a gem!]... and I have got WinEdt to produce a PDF with a few trivial sentences - and that's it. The goal is to typeset a book (fiction, no math, very simple layout

MikTeX comes with XeteX and I want to use/experiment with installed system fonts, but I can't see how to make it work from WinEdt [NB WinEdt Diagnosis has no issues with the setup/installation apart from absent optional items...]
I found a posting here that said change the Execution Mode and change pdflatex.exe to xetex.exe but that didn't seem to make any difference: when I selected "compile selected block" I got an empty PDF ("PDFTexify couldn't...") and errors I couldn't begin to understand
[The block was - following a XeTeX example somewhere:
\fonts\myfont="Constantia" at 12pt
\myfont Hello World
If anyone has the heart/patience to help a naif I'd be very grateful!