I'm thinking of moving from pdfLaTeX to XeLaTeX or LuaLaTex, and have read the users' part of the fontspec document and done a web search.
Possibly I've missed something, but couldn't find information or examples on how to assign, in the preamble, a font or a font family to all elements in a document of a given type, for example section names (titles), table contents or environments. To illustrate, I'd like to to use a sans serif font different from the main one for the chapter titles of a book.
XeTeX ⇒ How to globally assign fonts to elements of a given type, and to environments
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
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- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
How to globally assign fonts to elements of a given type, and to environments
That's independent of the engine (XeLaTeX or pdfLaTeX or LuaLaTeX). It's a style thing, so it depends on style files (.sty, packages) or the document class. Which one do you use? Modern classes, such as KOMA-Script classes, provide exactly this what you are looking for.
LaTeX.org admin
How to globally assign fonts to elements of a given type, and to environments
Thanks for your reply. Up till now I've used only the standard book and article classes (book for self-editing a friend's novels, article for scientific writing). In reaction to historical misuse of computing power, these deliberately encourage users to use only one font. KOMA-Script is new to me. There is a lot to read in the manual, but it answers my question, while giving sound advice on the legitimate use of a second font for headings. Modern fonts like Lato have many variants that should help even an amateur in obtaining a good balance.
On a related front, I've been rather ineptly trying to influence the approach of LibreOffice Writer to styles and immediate formatting (https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/sho ... i?id=90068). Recent developments in the LaTeX ecosystem might guide a much-needed modernisation of LO if the respective experts would indulge in a bit of cross-fertilisation. I think the most urgent priority here is to get each element of Writer that has a style (headings...) to scale automatically to the text body point size. This seems obvious to LaTeX users, but not, apparently, to the wierd world of wordprocessors.
On a related front, I've been rather ineptly trying to influence the approach of LibreOffice Writer to styles and immediate formatting (https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/sho ... i?id=90068). Recent developments in the LaTeX ecosystem might guide a much-needed modernisation of LO if the respective experts would indulge in a bit of cross-fertilisation. I think the most urgent priority here is to get each element of Writer that has a style (headings...) to scale automatically to the text body point size. This seems obvious to LaTeX users, but not, apparently, to the wierd world of wordprocessors.