Hi guys!
I am struggling with Twenty Seconds CV template. I want to remove the section SKILLS (the skills bar section and the written one too). If I simply delete it, the caption SKILLS stays there and the "(*) (The skills scale from 0 to 6)" also. How do I totally remove it? I want to have only "about me" in this part.
Second thing: I want all other sections like interests, education, experience etc all in blue colour (cos the gray is nearly invisible!)
I will be very grateful for your fast recommendations!!
Kind regards, Zuzana
Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ Twenty Seconds Curriculum Vitae
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
Twenty Seconds Curriculum Vitae
Hi Zuzana,
welcome to the forum!
You can find the skills section in the .cls file. Since it's not good to edit a .cls class file directly, you could put this change to your preamble in template.tex:
welcome to the forum!
You can find the skills section in the .cls file. Since it's not good to edit a .cls class file directly, you could put this change to your preamble in template.tex:
Code: Select all
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [rectangle, fill=sidecolor, anchor=north, minimum width=9cm, minimum height=\paperheight+1cm] (box) at (-5cm,0.5cm){};
\begin{textblock}{6}(0.5, 0.2)
\clip (600/2, 567/2) circle (567/2);
\node[anchor=north west, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=\imagewidth]{\profilepic}};
\begin{tabular}{p{0.5cm} @{\hskip 0.5cm}p{5cm}}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvdate}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Info}} & \cvdate\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvaddress}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Letter}} & \cvaddress\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvnumberphone}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Telefon}} & \cvnumberphone\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvsite}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Mundus}} & \cvsite\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvmail}{}}{}{\textsc{\large\icon{@}} & \href{mailto:\cvmail}{\cvmail}}
\profilesection{About me}
LaTeX.org admin
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
Twenty Seconds Curriculum Vitae
A quick hack is makingzuzana_p wrote:Second thing: I want all other sections like interests, education, experience etc all in blue colour (cos the gray is nearly invisible!)
to be the same as the mainblue
color, in the preamble of template.tex
LaTeX.org admin