Page LayoutBlank page in front of title page

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Blank page in front of title page

Post by peaches2165 »


I am typesetting a paper and keep getting a blank page in front of the title page. Can anyone tell me how to fix this. My setup is

Code: Select all

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}



\title{The }

\institute{institute, address, address, \email{name}}\\




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Blank page in front of title page

Post by Johannes_B »

Where can we get llncs from?
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Blank page in front of title page

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I guess that's from Springer.

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Blank page in front of title page

Post by rais »

Well, I can't reproduce the reported issue with the code provided, I get a single page output instead.

Even so, there was a `! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.' message caused by the \\---what did you expect from it?
Neither \author, \institute, nor \title command produces any text output directly. that's \maketitle's job.
In fact, I'd put those three commands into the preamble, not into the text body of the document.

If you put \listfiles above \documentclass, you can compare your file versions with mine:

Code: Select all

*File List*
   llncs.cls    2017/09/04 v2.19 
 LaTeX document class for Lecture Notes in Computer Science
 article.cls    2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
  size10.clo    2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
multicol.sty    2017/04/11 v1.8q multicolumn formatting (FMi)
aliascnt.sty    2016/05/16 v1.4 Alias counters (HO)
 amsmath.sty    2016/11/05 v2.16a AMS math features
 amstext.sty    2000/06/29 v2.01 AMS text
  amsgen.sty    1999/11/30 v2.0 generic functions
  amsbsy.sty    1999/11/29 v1.2d Bold Symbols
  amsopn.sty    2016/03/08 v2.02 operator names
 amssymb.sty    2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS font symbols
amsfonts.sty    2013/01/14 v3.01 Basic AMSFonts support
    umsa.fd    2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS symbols A
    umsb.fd    2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS symbols B
(you'll find it close to the end of your .log file)

BTW: \textwidth and \textheight are set by the llncs class to the exact same dimensions, already (means, you don't need to repeat those \setlength statements in your preamble).

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Blank page in front of title page

Post by Onlyzen »

Code: Select all




\title{This is the Title of a Standard \LaTeX\ Article}
\author{J. A. Smith\thanks{This is for making an acknowledgement.}
\\The University of Miskolc, Hungary}
\date{February 24, 2002}

This is a sample document which shows the most important features of the Standard
\LaTeX\ Journal Article class.


\noindent The front matter has various entries such as\\


\section{The First Appendix}

The appendix fragment is used only once. Subsequent appendices can be created
using the Section Section/Body Tag.
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Blank page in front of title page

Post by Johannes_B »


why did you post this minimal working example?
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Blank page in front of title page

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Well, it seems to be just a small clean working example for somebody to start. :-)

But why not comment on it. \noindent is not necessary after \section. At the beginning of sections, there is no indentation. That makes sense, since there's no need for visualizing a paragraph break by this. But in the same sense, I would put \noindent at the beginning of the abstract, to avoid the indentation there. It's not off by default there.

And the small example shows a potential danger. ;) Usually one should not use \\ in normal text. It's for ending lines in tables, matrices, multi-line formulas, or layout stuff such as titles. Normal text has paragraph breaks (empty lines) instead of just \\ line endings. Just my opinion.

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