Theses, Books, Title pagesChanging the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

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Changing the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

Post by s_li »

Hi all,

I've gone through a few pages but couldn't find a solution to this so I thought I'd ask directly.

I simply want to change the bibliography style to APA in the latest version of Master/Doctoral Thesis Template. The original command reads:

Code: Select all

and I tried to change it to

Code: Select all

This however gave me an error of showing (labelyearlabelmonthlabelday) in the bibliography instead of showing the correct year.

Some more googling makes me think that this has something to do with identifying language in package {babel}. So I tried

Code: Select all

But an error returns that 'option clash in package babel}.

What should I do to correct this? I simply need the bibliography format to be APA and do not care whether the above mentioned methods are used.

I hope the description is clear enough and thanks in advance!
Last edited by cgnieder on Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Changing the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

Post by Johannes_B »

Don't load babel. Default hyphenation is english, if you want it to be british, change the line at the beginning of the main file.
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Changing the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

Post by s_li »

If I don't load babel and just keep the language as 'english', how do I change the style to APA without running into the error of (labelyearlabelmonthlabelday)?

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Changing the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

Post by Johannes_B »

Replace the default bib section in the preamble with the following (assuming english as the main langauge):

Code: Select all

Note: You have to switch to biber iin order to use biblatex-apa.

On the other hand, most people confuse a regular author-year style (default) with APA. Have you checked? Maybe authoryear is just enough.
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Changing the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

Post by geolykovitis »


I made the changes suggested in order to change the bibliography format to APA style:

Code: Select all


This is at the start of the main.tex file and kept as it was the code at the end of the main.tex file:

Code: Select all


The bibliography appears in perfect APA style at the end of the created pdf file:

Böhme, R. (2010). Security metrics and security investment models. IWSEC, 10–24.
Fielder, A., Panaousis, E., Malacaria, P., Hankin, C., & Smeraldi, F. (2016). Decision support approaches for cyber security investments. Decision Support Systems,
86, 13–23.
Gordon, L. A. & Loeb, M. P. (2002). The economics of information security invest-
ment. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), 5(4), 438– 457.

My problem starts when I try to cite a reference with many authors. I type in the code:

Code: Select all

happen? We will see that there are a lot of restrictions and difficulties during this process \parencite{Reference3}.
And I get as a result:

happen? We will see that there are a lot of restrictions and difculties during this process (Fielder, Panaousis, Malacaria, Hankin, & Smeraldi, 2016).

The correct according to APA style would be the name of the first author and et al. after. e.g., Fielder et al., 2016 in this example.

The same problem I have when I try to cite using this code:

Code: Select all

specifically this section is about information security and the money we have to invest in order to succeed it \citep{Reference3}.
The result is:

specically this section is about information security and the money we have to invest in order to succeed it (Fielder, Panaousis, Malacaria, Hankin, & Smeraldi, 2016).

The way my Reference3 is in the code is like this:

Code: Select all

	Author = {A. Fielder and E. Panaousis and P. Malacaria and C. Hankin and F. Smeraldi},
	Journal = {Decision Support Systems},
	Pages = {13--23},
	Title = {Decision Support Approaches for Cyber Security Investments},
	Volume = {86},
	Year = {2016}}
Most probably I am doing something wrong or have misunderstood something. Can you please help me. Because if I do not solve this problem all the effort I put into this thesis will be lost and most probably will have to start over using word.

Thank you for your time.
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Changing the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

Post by Johannes_B »

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Changing the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

Post by vides »


I'm using MasterDoctoralThesis Template and I've changed the citation style to APA style but in the text the references does not appear as Author et al. (year) if they are more than two. I've written this in main.tex:

\usepackage[backend=biber,style=apa,maxcitenames=2,natbib=true]{biblatex} % Use the bibtex backend with the authoryear citation style (which resembles APA)
\addbibresource{example.bib} % The filename of the bibliography

And this could be an example of the reference:

title={Time-varying Hurst exponent for US stock markets},
author={Alvarez-Ramirez, Jose and Alvarez, Jesus and Rodriguez, Eduardo and Fernandez-Anaya, Guillermo},
journal={Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications},

Otherwise, in the manuscript, do I have to use \citep or which one?

Thank you in advance!
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Changing the bibliography style to APA in MasterDoctoralThesis Template

Post by Ijon Tichy »

Have you run biber?

Can you show us a Infominimal working example and the blg-file and the log-file produces by the biber run (done after the first LaTeX run) and the third LaTeX run?

vides wrote:

Code: Select all

should not be needed with an almost up-to-date TeX distribution.

And please don't occupy old threads but start a new one for new questions.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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