I made the changes suggested in order to change the bibliography format to APA style:
Code: Select all
This is at the start of the main.tex file and kept as it was the code at the end of the main.tex file:
Code: Select all
The bibliography appears in perfect APA style at the end of the created pdf file:
Böhme, R. (2010). Security metrics and security investment models. IWSEC, 10–24.
Fielder, A., Panaousis, E., Malacaria, P., Hankin, C., & Smeraldi, F. (2016). Decision support approaches for cyber security investments. Decision Support Systems,
86, 13–23.
Gordon, L. A. & Loeb, M. P. (2002). The economics of information security invest-
ment. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), 5(4), 438– 457.
My problem starts when I try to cite a reference with many authors. I type in the code:
Code: Select all
happen? We will see that there are a lot of restrictions and difficulties during this process \parencite{Reference3}.
And I get as a result:
happen? We will see that there are a lot of restrictions and difculties during this process (Fielder, Panaousis, Malacaria, Hankin, & Smeraldi, 2016).
The correct according to APA style would be the name of the first author and et al. after. e.g., Fielder et al., 2016 in this example.
The same problem I have when I try to cite using this code:
Code: Select all
specifically this section is about information security and the money we have to invest in order to succeed it \citep{Reference3}.
The result is:
specically this section is about information security and the money we have to invest in order to succeed it (Fielder, Panaousis, Malacaria, Hankin, & Smeraldi, 2016).
The way my Reference3 is in the code is like this:
Code: Select all
Author = {A. Fielder and E. Panaousis and P. Malacaria and C. Hankin and F. Smeraldi},
Journal = {Decision Support Systems},
Pages = {13--23},
Title = {Decision Support Approaches for Cyber Security Investments},
Volume = {86},
Year = {2016}}
Most probably I am doing something wrong or have misunderstood something. Can you please help me. Because if I do not solve this problem all the effort I put into this thesis will be lost and most probably will have to start over using word.
Thank you for your time.