Document Classesworking with bibtex in texnic center

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working with bibtex in texnic center

Post by vamsi »

Hi Patrick,

It worked fine for me. Thanks a lot.

I need .

1. when i am defining multiple authors, the last author must be separated with "and", which i am not getting.
2. The numbering of references must not be in []. so i would like to have 1. 2. and so on.

Pls help in this regard

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working with bibtex in texnic center

Post by pumpkinegan »

There is some good information on BibTeX at:

Attempted answer to question 1:
The "and" before the last author in defined in the bibliography style bst file. You have to go to the "format.names" function and modify what happens BibTeX does when the number of names is greater than 1. This can be tricky:

Code: Select all

   { numnames #2 >
{ "," * }
    t "others" =
{ " et~al." * }
{ " and " * t * }   %<----- ensure this is set to " and " not to " , "
Would you consider using a different bst style file?

Code: Select all

Answer to question 2:
Put this in the preamble (before the \begin{document})

Code: Select all

\makeatletter     % Reference list option change
\renewcommand\@biblabel[1]{#1.}     % from [1] to 1.
\makeatother     %

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Re: working with bibtex in texnic center

Post by vamsi »

Thanks a lot patrick.
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