Conversion Toolsconverting bmp to jpeg

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converting bmp to jpeg

Post by kent »

I have som plot generated as bmp file (bitmap format). My Latex (using pdflatex) does not accept bmp. How can I
say convert bmp to JPEG format?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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converting bmp to jpeg

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Kent!

You can use any graphics program such as GIMP. It's a free program. Or Imagemagick. Or MS Paint or Paint.NET.

I suggest you convert to png instead of jpeg. png is supported by pdfLaTeX and should have better quality, since the jpg compression can be lossy.

By the way, how did you generate the Plot? Because LaTeX can generate plots in high quality (bmp, jpeg and png are not scalable). For example, with PGFplots.

Stefan admin
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