Page Layoutdifferent top margin

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different top margin

Post by nadaa »


I 'm designing a template for my thesis, and I want to set page layout different for specific pages, it should be as the following:

Top margin of all pages are 2.5cm except pages number 2,3,4 should have 5cm and also the beginning of each chapter page.

How can I build this in latex?


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Stefan Kottwitz
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different top margin

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Welcome to the forum!

Just define the chapter heading with a vertical space before it, and keep the margin the same. I guess the pages with numbers 2, 3, 4 also start with a heading (Abstract, etc.), so that kind of heading needs it as well.

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different top margin

Post by nadaa »

Stefan Kottwitz wrote:Welcome to the forum!

Just define the chapter heading with a vertical space before it, and keep the margin the same. I guess the pages with numbers 2, 3, 4 also start with a heading (Abstract, etc.), so that kind of heading needs it as well.

Thanks Stefan and sorry for the late response.
I defined margins and added a vertical space, but I noticed in pages ( Introduction , table of contents, list of figures, list of tables,..)
top margins are larger than the title pages, also margins don't change if I change top,bottom,left,right values.

Any suggestion?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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different top margin

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Perhaps post your current template here, as attachment, with a small sample document that shows the issue. So we can test it.

Stefan admin
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different top margin

Post by nadaa »

Stefan Kottwitz wrote:Perhaps post your current template here, as attachment, with a small sample document that shows the issue. So we can test it.

Hi Stephan,

Here is the main tex file:


\usepackage [a4paper,left=3cm,right=2.5cm,top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm]{geometry}

\begin {document}


\input{tex/title} \thispagestyle{plain}

\input {tex/dedication} \newpage\cleardoublepage
\input {tex/acknowledgement} \newpage
\newpage \thispagestyle{plain}
\input {tex/abstract}\newpage\cleardoublepage


\input {tex/intro}\newpage\cleardoublepage
\input {tex/methods}\newpage\cleardoublepage
\input {tex/discussion}\newpage\cleardoublepage
\input {tex/conclusion}\newpage\cleardoublepage


\end {document}

I want margins to be as specified in the geometry. I measured the margins using rulers, they are different. Moreover, some pages like the introduction, the list of content, the list of figures,.etc have larger top margins, as shown in the following images:


I'm still a novice in latex, I hope to get some help and guidelines to build thesis template in Latex.

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