Page LayoutLaTeX Error: \begin{multicols} on input line 22 ended by \end{multicol}

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LaTeX Error: \begin{multicols} on input line 22 ended by \end{multicol}

Post by abdouben2 »

I have this error

Code: Select all

! LaTeX Error: \begin{multicols} on input line 22 ended by \end{multicol}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.227 \end {multicol}
Can any one help
Thank you

the begining of my script

Code: Select all

\documentclass{article} %%% use \documentstyle for old LaTeX compilers
\usepackage[english]{babel} %%% 'french', 'german', 'spanish', 'danish', etc.
\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} %%% use 'pdftex' instead of 'dvips' for PDF output
%\usepackage{ }
% You can include more LaTeX packages here

the end is : 

\noindent * Tendency of this person to make friends who are diverse
\noindent \# Ability of this person to make friends on far off places
\noindent Downloaded from

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LaTeX Error: \begin{multicols} on input line 22 ended by \end{multicol}

Post by Johannes_B »

The enviroment names don't match, the ending part is missing an s.

Furthermore is suggest to read a LaTeX introduction (<- Link to free ebook)
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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LaTeX Error: \begin{multicols} on input line 22 ended by \end{multicol}

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Just to be clear, this is the message about the missing s as above:
\begin{multicols} on input line 22 ended by \end{multicol}.
I just mention it specifically to confirm Johannes answer, because the minimal example code above does it right (\end{multicols} with an s). Btw. I mark as solved.

Stefan admin
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