Fonts & Character SetsAccented letters such as 'ą' and 'ę' are converted

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Accented letters such as 'ą' and 'ę' are converted

Post by Vedyimyn »


I have a problem with 'ą' and 'ę' letters. I have to write a document that can be easily copied to Notepad without losing any character. Unfortunately, 'ą' and 'ę' are converted to something like 'a˛' and '˛e'.


Code: Select all


 Zażółć gęślą jaźń.
As you can see I use mathptmx package. I do so since I have to use a Times-like font.

Is there any way to include the proper 'ą' and 'ę' characters here (not the ones combined of two characters, ogonek+letter)? Or maybe there is a Times-like font that contains them?

I use Tex Live on Linux. I prefer not to use XeTex, because I'm unfamiliar with it (and I use a lot of mathematical symbols - I'm unsure if XeTex copes with them sufficiently well).

I'll appreciate any help.

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Accented letters such as 'ą' and 'ę' are converted

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

Is there any reason you don't want to use the standard commands that produce accents? For example,

Code: Select all

\usepackage{txfonts} % or any font you wish
  Za\.z\'o\l \'c g\c e\'sl\c a ja\'z\'n.
Those use 100% ASCII text, pretty much guaranteed to be compatible with even the meekest text editor.
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Re: A problem with 'ą' and 'ę' letters

Post by Vedyimyn »

I think that the source would be a bit cluttered if I included commands in place of some letters (a lot of letters in fact), so I'll do it only if nothing else works. At least I would if it actually worked. Unfortunately your MWE doesn't produce the correct output. Cedille differs from Polish ogonek. Just compare: ą - a̧, ę - ȩ.
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Accented letters such as 'ą' and 'ę' are converted

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

Sorry to reply to a very old post, but I failed to catch this post when it was new, and if someone else finds it....

The command for the diacritical mark you wanted above is \k{e} and similar; you'll need T1 encoding using the fontenc package.
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