Curricula Vitae / RésumésMoving the name and contact information downwards

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Moving the name and contact information downwards

Post by liminarflow13 »

Hey guys,

I want to have more space for my résumé. Its a great template but I would like to move my contact information abit downwards.

I'm using the casual style and I guess that I have to change stuff in the file:
moderncvstylecasual.sty and probably under the part:

Code: Select all

          \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtofooter[~--~]{\@addresscity}}\flushfooter\@firstfooterelementtrue\\}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity will always be defined but could be empty
	\ifthenelse{\equal{\@homepagetitle}{}}% \homepagetitle could be empty
        \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\footerboxwidth=0pt}}{}{\flushfooter}% the lengthtest is required to avoid flushing an empty footer, which could cause a blank line due to the \\ after the address, if no other personal info is used

But I actually dont know what I have to change. For it seems like the footer is just edited here and position is not defined.

Have you guys a clue how to do that?

Thank ahead!


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Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:54 pm

Moving the name and contact information downwards

Post by liminarflow13 »

Found a way to do it:


Code: Select all

\usepackage[scale=0.8,top=1cm, bmargin=4cm, footnotesep=2cm]{geometry}
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