Generallatex after compiling problems

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latex after compiling problems

Post by juan21 »

Good afternoon , I have problems compiling latex. After doing so, I get the message " The system can not find the file selected " I've tried everything and nothing , please help.

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Re: latex after compiling problems

Post by Johannes_B »

You are getting that message by which program, after which action? Is the log-file giving you any hints? Can you compile a hello world example?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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latex after compiling problems

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Juan!

We saw this issue many times: The system cannot find the file specified.

Please provide more details. For example, you could post the .log file as attachment here.

Stefan admin
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