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hidding appendix title in the document only

Post by ezor »

Hi everyone,

I would like to put a title for all the appendices in the TOC namely something like
A : first title
B : second
but I don't want this title in my document (since it takes to much space and the appendices are supposed to contain large figures)
In my document, I just need to have
appendix A
some pictures
appendix B
some others
I've already read a lot of topics that deal with that, using
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{TITLE} and \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{-1}} but it doesn't work.

For the moment, my code looks like


Consequently, I have "Appendix A ...Appendix B" in the document (which is perfect) but only "A" and "B" in the TOC (because I have not defined any title)

Thanks in advance (and sorry for my poor english)

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: hidding appendix title in the document only

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Ezor,

welcome to the forum!

What document class are you using? Perhaps post your document preamble here. This makes settings clear (KOMA-Script classes are a bit different to base classes) and we may have further tips regarding settings or packages.

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hidding appendix title in the document only

Post by ezor »

I'm writing a thesis with the report class.

I copy-paste you some of the packages I use as well as the preamble

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper, titlepage, 12pt, oneside]{report}





each appendix looks like

Code: Select all

Hoping it helps you!
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hidding appendix title in the document only

Post by Johannes_B »

I guess you could want something like the following, but i am not sure as the example you posted is very unclear.

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper, titlepage, 12pt, oneside]{report}



see appendix~\ref{wombat} and~\ref{capybara}

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