WinEdtA problem with Winedt compiling my thesis in Latex

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A problem with Winedt compiling my thesis in Latex

Post by juan21 »

Good morning,
I have problems compiling my thesis in latex. The joke is that latex if compiles but does not compile my whole script of the chapter. Annex attached document so that vein as the document remains after compilation . missing more text and I have not commented how can this happen ??? help me please is urgent !! .
see Acrobat document, the problem mentioned here is on page 8 seconds acrobat
(137.16 KiB) Downloaded 643 times

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A problem with Winedt compiling my thesis in Latex

Post by Johannes_B »

Welcome, instead of a pdf file, the code to produce that file is needed to help you. Right now, all i can say is that there is a problem with encoding in only a part, but i cannot even guess why this happens. I am also not sure what problem you are referring exactly to with the problem mentioned here is on page 8 seconds acrobat.

To enhance the chance of understanding, use googles translate feature, it can be helpful in addition.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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