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ds^2 &= dt^2 - \ell_{\Lambda}^2 \sinh^2 {\omega t} \, \big( \, d\chi^2 + \sinh^2 {\chi} \; (\, d\vartheta^2 + \sin^2 {\vartheta} \; d\varphi^2 ) \big), \\[18pt]
ds^2 &= dt^2 - \ell_{\Lambda}^2 \cosh^2 {\omega t} \, \big( \, d\chi^2 + \sin^2 {\chi} \; (\, d\vartheta^2 + \sin^2 {\vartheta} \; d\varphi^2 ) \big).
Here's a preview of what the code above is doing, and the problem indicated in red : So how should I achieve the alignment I'm looking for ?
** Why on Earth can't I use simple LaTeX commands on a LaTeX board here !? The LaTeX symbols should be displayed correctly, instead of showing the commands !
EDIT : Inserting the command
inside the second equation doesn't do the trick very well, since it gives an exagerated visible space after the sin^2 {\chi}
function. I tried adding \,
and \;
here and there, but the result isn't satisfying (too approximate).I guess the solution is to center the
\sin^2 {\chi}
by adding more space at its left and at its right, to balance the \sinh^2 {\chi}
above it.