Presentations and PostersMake the image stay while using "pause"

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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Make the image stay while using "pause"

Post by Colin93 »

Hi everyone !

I want my points to appear one after another so I'm using \pause. However I have 2 images that I want to appear with the 1st point and stay... Could you help me ?

Code: Select all



\title{Simple Beamer Class}   
\author{Sascha Frank} 


%\frame{\frametitle{Table of contents}\tableofcontents} 

\section{Subsection no.1.1  }


	\begin{block}{Introducing the project "Explodrone"}
			\item MAV for indoor exploration, with a low aerodynamic footprint
			\item Joint research project of ONERA and ISAE-SUPA\'{E}RO.
			\item Volume $\sim 1L$
			\item Speed in hover $\sim 4.95 m.s^{-1}$ (cf. Froude's theorem for a rotational speed of $6000 RPM$)

				{\footnotesize \emph{Explodrone during an experiment}}
 		\end{minipage} \hfill
				{\footnotesize \emph{Initial CAD version}}



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Re: Make the image stay while using "pause"

Post by Colin93 »

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Make the image stay while using "pause"

Post by Johannes_B »

I would keep it simple.

Code: Select all





				{\footnotesize \emph{Explodrone during an experiment}\medbreak}
				{\footnotesize \emph{Initial CAD version}\par}
			\begin{block}{Introducing the project "Explodrone"}
					\item MAV for indoor exploration, with a low aerodynamic footprint
					\item Joint research project of ONERA and ISAE-SUPA\'{E}RO.
					\item Volume \SI{\sim 1}{\liter}
					\item Speed in hover \SI{\approx 4.95}{\meter\per\second}  (cf. Froude's theorem for a rotational speed of \SI{6000}{\rpm})

With TIkz, you probably can achieve what you want, aber da würde ich mir an deiner Stelle keinen abbrechen.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Posts: 57
Joined: Mon Apr 04, 2016 2:55 pm

Re: Make the image stay while using "pause"

Post by Colin93 »

Wow thankyou !
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