GeneralUndefined control sequence ...\Gin@ext image\GPT@AttrShort

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Undefined control sequence ...\Gin@ext image\GPT@AttrShort

Post by mb2 »

I need your help please.
Very recently installed MikTeX (Version 2.9.5872 x64), GPL Ghostscript 9.19 and TeXnicCenter Version 2.02 stable x64 (in that order) under Windows 10.
In the settings of MikTeX I added a first root directory with local tex files.
A sample document which includes an eps graphic in standard fashion was processed fine.
[The eps file is located in the local directory].
Trying to process the same file to include a jpg graphic
[from the same local directory] using the standard output profile LaTeX => PS => PDF [as before] produced the following error from Ghostscript (ps2pdf):
Last OS error: No such file or directory
Current file position is ...
GPL Ghostscript 9.19: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
This was not the case with our previous (older)installation.
Could you please advise how I can remedy and configure the system appropriately?
Many thanks.

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Re: Cannot include jpg in document

Post by Johannes_B »

You cannot use jpg images with LaTeX in DVI-mode (that is LaTeX to DVI, to PS, to PDF).
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Re: Cannot include jpg in document

Post by mb2 »

Thank you, Johannes.
I thought, I had done before.
What compilation path should I follow to be able to process both eps and jpg or other file formats?
Please let me know.
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Re: Cannot include jpg in document

Post by Johannes_B »

LaTeX => pdf (i.e. pdflatex) allows you to use jpg, png and pdf. You would need to convert all eps files to pdf.

XeLaTeX somehow can handle all of them, but you would have to change parts of your document.
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Re: Cannot include jpg in document

Post by mb2 »

Dear Johannes,
Okay, I changed the output profile to LaTeX => PDF.
Compilation of the test file yields one error
in the line of the includegraphics command.
Pdflatex says:
< use fn of image.jpg >
! Undefined control sequence
<argument> ...@base \Gin@ext image\GPT@AttrShort
and so on as if it did not find / could not process the image file.
Could you please continue with your help?
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Undefined control sequence ...\Gin@ext image\GPT@AttrShort

Post by Johannes_B »

Sure, no problem. But the error message alone isn't helpful for me. I would need to see a minimal working example of your code to see what produces the error message.
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Undefined control sequence ...\Gin@ext image\GPT@AttrShort

Post by mb2 »

Okay, Johannes, thank you.
I am trying to include a signature into a letter, but get (different) errors in both locations of the includegraphics command in the following code.
The first error within the main text I already described. Within the closing command where I would like to place the signature I am surprised by a runaway argument.

Code: Select all



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Undefined control sequence ...\Gin@ext image\GPT@AttrShort

Post by Johannes_B »

Your includegraphics statements are completely wrong, i don't know what you want to achieve there.

The closing should have curly braces, not brakets. german gives you the old hyphenation patterns, you might want to use ngerman instead when loading package babel.
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Undefined control sequence ...\Gin@ext image\GPT@AttrShort

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


the syntax of \includegraphics and how it works, is explained in the graphicx manual.

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Re: Cannot include jpg in document

Post by mb2 »

Dear Johannes,
I am not following.
I am using optional arguments both with the includegraphics and the closing command.
A. To select an area from the image file
B. To set the signature above the closing formula, which is set in between the curly brackets following the square brackets in the lines of code I posted.
As far as I can see my use of includegraphics is consistent with the documentation that Stefan posted. I was using the graphics package.
Can we take it from there?
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