Curricula Vitae / RésumésTurkish Unicode Characters for Plasmati Graduate CV

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Turkish Unicode Characters for Plasmati Graduate CV

Post by edgur »

Hi All,

I really like Plastmati Graduate CV a lot. But there is a problem if I'd like to use it in Turkish. There are some turkish characters in our alphabet which cause a problem for Plasmati Graduate CV. You may see them following as in small-cases and upper-cases;

"ç, ı, ü, ğ, ö, ş"
"Ç, İ, Ü, Ğ, Ö, Ş"

Well, my question is that how can i handle this issue? or how can i embed this characters into Fontin font?

Thanks in advance for your useful comments.

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Turkish Unicode Characters for Plasmati Graduate CV

Post by Johannes_B »


as you have already noticed, the font called Fontin isn't complete. You have three options:
  • Just use another font which includes the glyphs you need. Linux Libertine and TeX Gyre Pagella have them (the two i tested)
  • Kindly ask the author to add the glyphs needed for the turkish alphabet
  • Add the glyphs yourself, send the result to the author so it can merged with the rest and others can profit from your work.
I found a pdf that you might find helpful or interesting: Font Creation with FontForge. The author of the article is also the author of Fontin.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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