What are the fonts used in the page layout below? How can I instruct latex to use that font or a very similar one? I need to format my title and section heading like in the example using titlesec.
I have only worked with readymade templates before and have no idea how to.
Fonts & Character Sets ⇒ Need to identify font in given image
Need to identify font in given image
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- pdfsample.png (49.01 KiB) Viewed 4956 times
- Johannes_B
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Need to identify font in given image
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Need to identify font in given image
For readers, Bernard found (in the link already above) that it looks like Adobe Utopia, and we could use erewhon for it, such as in his example:
Btw. the book is "Introduction to sustainable engineering" by R. L. Lag and L. D. Remesh.
Code: Select all
\usepackage{array, graphicx} \usepackage[tracking=true]{microtype}
\usepackage{fourier, erewhon} \usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example
\titleformat{\section}[block]{\bfseries\LARGE}{}{0em}{\noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}\thesection & \MakeUppercase{#1}\\[-0.1ex]\hline\end{tabular}}
\chapter{Green Technology and\\Green Business}
\section{Green Business or Sustainable Business}
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