Page LayoutStyling a chapter based on it's name?

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Styling a chapter based on it's name?

Post by chrisanthropic »


I'm working on a "Novel" template with some custom pages (\titlepage and a custom Copyright page). Now I'm looking to customize fonts, etc. of a specific chapter based on the chapter title.

More specifically I'd like something along the lines of:

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if \@chapapp{About the Author} then \small
for example.

I'm actually creating a LaTeX template for use with Pandoc and Pandoc puts all of the content in with it's own

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variable so I'm not able to easily style sections or chapters via a LaTeX structured template with sections etc. Given the method I'm using I get an 'about the author' and 'license' page at the end and I'd like a way to style them differently from the actual chapters of the book.

As an example, I'm importing my content using a custom macro \body, the contents of which are 7 chapters. I'd like to change the font family, font size, and margins of the contents of "Chapter 6: About the Author" but not affect the other chapters. Is this possible given my limitations?

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