Fonts & Character Setsarfonts package can't find fonts

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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by AleCes »


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% Remember that 'arfonts.sty' must be in the same directory as this file
\usepackage[LAE, T1]{fontenc}



Gives me the following error:

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!pdfTeX error: /usr/bin/pdflatex (file ae_AlMohanad_boldItalic.pfb): cannot ope
n Type 1 font file for reading
 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
This file must be in the same directory as the .tex file
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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by rais »

just the style file isn't enough, you need to install all of the Arabi package.
In TeXLive, it's part of collection-langarabic.
If you still get that message, do you also get this?
LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `arfonts',
but the package provides `ARfonts'.

You could try (in the folder your .tex file sits in)

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ln -s /usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/arabi/arabeyes/ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb ae_AlMohanad_xxbold.pfb
(assuming Linux with TL standard path)

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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by AleCes »

Hello rais,

I have texlive-full installed, I think that's enough.

I also executed the command ln -s from the directory where my .tex file is found but it still refuses to compile.

Yes, I also get this warning:

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LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `arfonts',
               but the package provides `ARfonts'.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi AleCes!
AleCes wrote:Yes, I also get this warning:

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LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `arfonts',
               but the package provides `ARfonts'.
I think that's just a small error of the package, since the file name is small letters but the file arfonts.sty writes:

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\ProvidesPackage{ARfonts}[2006/01/01 Part of the Arabi package]
It's just a warning, you can ignore it here. Generally, it's a warning to not load a package by mistake, but here it's no mistake.

Stefan admin
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Re: arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by AleCes »

Hello Stefan_K,

OK, so how can I do so that it compiles?

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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by rais »

AleCes wrote: OK, so how can I do so that it compiles?
check the path to the pfb file

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kpsewhich ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb
if this doesn't return the path to that file, Arabi may not be complete; however, I'd suspect it's in a different location on your system.
Adapt the ln -s call accordingly, or use backticks

Code: Select all

ln -s `kpsewhich ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb` ae_AlMohanad_xxbold.pfb
The trouble is, this pfb file is searched for with mixed lower/uppercase letters, but provided is a file all in lowercase letters...

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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by AleCes »

Hi, I tried what you suggested yet it still doesn't work.

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kpsewhich ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb

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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by rais »

well then, first check, if type1 fonts are searched for in current folder

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kpsewhich -show-path="type1 fonts"
Several entries are separated by a colon (:), the current folder or working directory is represented by a single period (.), which is usually the first entry, so the output should start with .:

If that's the case, check the link you have created in the folder with your TeX-file

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ls -l
there should be one entry starting with lrwxrwxrwx, ending with ae_AlMohanad_xxboldx.pfb -> /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/arabi/arabeyes/ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb

Take great care in checking the path right of the arrow (->) really matches the output from the `kpsewhich ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb' above and confirm the name left of the arrow really matches the name from your error message.

And try to compile your TeX-file from the console

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pdflatex name-of-your-TeX-file
(all commands above to be called from the same directory your TeX-file resides in)

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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by AleCes »

The paths do not match.

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ls -l

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lrwxrwxrwx 1 alessandro alessandro     85 mars   1 21:24 ae_AlMohanad_xxbold.pfb -> /usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/arabi/arabeyes/ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb

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kpsewhich ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb

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arfonts package can't find fonts

Post by rais »

AleCes wrote:The paths do not match.
Mea culpa, I did not think about a link name already in existance...
You have to delete the link name (rm ae_AlMohanad_xxbold.pfb), before attempting to link it to a different location ... or add `-f' as in `force' to the ln call, e.g.

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ln -sf `kpsewhich ae_almohanad_xxbold.pfb` ae_AlMohanad_xxbold.pfb
OTOH, you should have gotten a message from ln (without -f) such as
``ln: creating symbolic link `ae_AlMohanad_xxbold.pfb': File exists''
after the first attempt (with the wrong path)

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