Good morning! I am attempting to add natbib to MikTek 2.9. I have followed the instructions from various articles - created a local package repository, downloaded the file, unzipped it, ran latex natbib.ins... and no matter how many times I tell MikTek to install natbib, it isn't happening. I've tried running mpm.exe - it keeps telling me there is a missing file. I've tried via Package Manager - not finding it in the local repository. I am remembering to update the FNDB after each thing that I try...
Unfortunately, due to security, I cannot pull the package from the internet directly.
I can get the .pdf to generate correctly even with an error of not being able to find natbib.sty - but the error is bothering me (and my user who is actually generating the .pdf).
Has anyone run into this before when using natbib.sty?
Windows 2012 R2 - set up as a terminal server (I am running Package Manager Admin and Settings Admin)
MikTek 2.9 downloaded from CTAN
MiKTeX and proTeXt ⇒ natbib.sty not found - but it's there!
- Johannes_B
- Site Moderator
- Posts: 4182
- Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:08 pm
Re: natbib.sty not found - but it's there!
As a shortcut, place natbib.sty into the same directory the user has its main file.
Reading your introductory post, i know you will run into problems maybe ten minutes later, sorry for that.
The current situation seems to be rather silly, if you cannot make updates to your software for security reasons, that is fine. That means, somebody has the right to do updates, and this is the guy who is (should be) in charge of keeping the software a user needs UP TO DATE.
Right now you are the middle man that tries to find out what a user wants or has problems with, trying to get this to the helpers here, trying to apply possible solutions to a user/for a user. You are aware of the obvious shortcut, right?
Reading your introductory post, i know you will run into problems maybe ten minutes later, sorry for that.
The current situation seems to be rather silly, if you cannot make updates to your software for security reasons, that is fine. That means, somebody has the right to do updates, and this is the guy who is (should be) in charge of keeping the software a user needs UP TO DATE.
Right now you are the middle man that tries to find out what a user wants or has problems with, trying to get this to the helpers here, trying to apply possible solutions to a user/for a user. You are aware of the obvious shortcut, right?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Re: natbib.sty not found - but it's there!
I had found that workaround in my research - but was hoping to find something that didn't require the end user to keep .sty files in non-program directories. If that's what it takes, then that's what it takes.
Thank you!
Thank you!
- Johannes_B
- Site Moderator
- Posts: 4182
- Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:08 pm
natbib.sty not found - but it's there!
That is the shortcut. You can install the package using the package manager which will also do updates of the package if needed.
Anoter way would be to place the package file into your texmf-home directory. But this is a little bit more advanced. -> Where do I place my own `.sty` files, to make them available to all my `.tex` files?
Anoter way would be to place the package file into your texmf-home directory. But this is a little bit more advanced. -> Where do I place my own `.sty` files, to make them available to all my `.tex` files?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.