Theses, Books, Title pagesMixing two thesis templates

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Mixing two thesis templates

Post by annier »

Hi All,
There are two latex templates for a thesis:
1. One in Chinese Language (with abstract and keywords in English). This is in Xelatex format.

2. One in English language( with abstract and keywords in Chinese). This is in Ctex format.

As the first one runs perfectly using Xetex, i would like to merge the contents of second thesis format into the first. What things need to be changes basically for changing a thesis in ctex format into xetex format?

Yours Sincerely,
Anil Kunwar

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Mixing two thesis templates

Post by Johannes_B »

As far as i can see it, CTex is the name of a package bundle, whereas XeLaTeX is the LaTeX format on top of the XeTeX engine.

Usully, i would say a template is like a box of chocolates, take just the pieces you want and eat them in the order you want. Right now, this is a bit more complicated since you did'nt mention which templates you are talking about or rather, what a template is.

CTeX classes and packages are completely written in LaTeX3, whereas i assume your other themplate is written in LaTeX2e syntax.

You see the question is unspecific and hard to answer, better get some advice from people familiar with chinese. i think is a goo place to follow up your search.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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