Fonts & Character SetsDisplaying Code Page 437 chars in LaTeX

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Displaying Code Page 437 chars in LaTeX

Post by CarlD »

Hello, I've been playing with LaTeX for about a month and this is my first post.

I'm evaluating LaTeX as a way of producing documentation that requires the ability to display low- and high-order characters in the IBM PC character set, Code Page 437 ( ... ge-437.png). I'm getting very nice results with the following:

Code: Select all


However, I find that my document cannot display low-order characters (those below Ascii 32) at all and does not display characters in the range Ascii 177-255 correctly according to Code Page 437.

I assume that displaying the entire CP 437 character set in LaTeX is possible, and that I just don't know how. Can you point me in the right direction?

Many thanks.


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Re: Displaying Code Page 437 chars in LaTeX

Post by Johannes_B »

You have to tell your editor to save your tex file with that specific encoding, if you want to use it.
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Displaying Code Page 437 chars in LaTeX

Post by CarlD »

Johannes_B wrote:You have to tell your editor to save your tex file with that specific encoding, if you want to use it.
I have no trouble displaying the CP 437 character set in my editor. But when I create a PDF, via pdflatex.exe, the characters 0-31, and the line and box characters 177-223, do not display -- they are ignored. When I try to build and view the file as a PDF with MiKTeX 2.9, I get a bunch of error messages about "invalid characters". See my OP for my \usepackage statements.

Can someone point me to documentation on how LaTeX handles Code Pages? If there is a LaTeX document type and/or package(s) capable of outputting the CP 437 character set, I would be pleased to know where to look.
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Displaying Code Page 437 chars in LaTeX

Post by Johannes_B »

If it is not the input, then it is the output. Common fonts do not include the very special symbols defined within the codepage. You can try packages like marvosym or textcomp that define some symbols. I am not sure if you will find all symbols.

Package documentation for inputenc and fontenc.
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Displaying Code Page 437 chars in LaTeX

Post by CarlD »

Johannes_B wrote:...You can try packages like marvosym or textcomp that define some symbols. I am not sure if you will find all symbols.

Package documentation for inputenc and fontenc.
Thanks. I'll take a look at these.
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