GeneralReferencing float from another document and hyperref

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Referencing float from another document and hyperref

Post by stupidus »

I am writing an article for an Elsevier journal and I need to put some figures/tables in a supplementary document. I would like to reference these figures/tables from the supplementary document in my main document. I am using the xr package to include the second file using \externaldocument. This works quite well. However, hyperref links the reference to the figure with the same number in the main document. If there is no figure with the same number, it just links to the beginning of the document.

I know, that there is the package xr-hyper, that can crosslink to the other pdf-document. But this is not what I want, because it requires readers to have the supplementary pdf file in the same folder as the main file without changing its name. That situation is very unlikely to occur, so for 99% of the readers such a crosslink would be useless.

I would rather like to link supplementary figures/tables to a section, where you can find an explanation how to access the supplementary file. If that is not possible, even no hyperlink for supplementary figures would be preferable.

I attached 2 example files that hopefully explain the problem. So, is it possible to change where a ḩyperref will put the link from a \ref?
(298 Bytes) Downloaded 260 times
(554 Bytes) Downloaded 251 times

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