Fonts & Character SetsModerncv XeTeX: \textit ignored

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Moderncv XeTeX: \textit ignored

Post by thag1987 »

Code: Select all

	{\footnotesize\color{lightgray} #3}\\

		    {2010 - 2014}
		    {Bachelor of Science}
		      lorem ipsum\\
		      lorem ipsum\\
		      lorem ipsum\\
		      \textit{italic textpart}
Looks like I can't do additional textformatting, like \textit, \textbf, \emph etc. in the argument. Is there a way to accomplish this without modifying the entry command?

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Moderncv XeTeX: \textit ignored

Post by Johannes_B »

Where is that snippet coming from? Please provide a minimal working example, so we can reproduce the behaviour you are describing.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Moderncv XeTeX: \textit ignored

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Looks like a CV class such as moderncv. However, here's nothing to see which could cause this. Perhaps the chosen font version has no italic version.

As Johannes said, if you would post a compilable example (with minimal dummy text), we could help to fix it.

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Moderncv XeTeX: \textit ignored

Post by thag1987 »

Code: Select all


        {\footnotesize\color{lightgray} #3}\\


                    {2010 - 2014}
                    {Bachelor of Science}
                      lorem ipsum\\
                      lorem ipsum\\
                      lorem ipsum\\
                      \textit{italic textpart}

Sorry for that. I thought this was enough as a sample. But with this snipped it actually compiled fine. Testing it out separately let me find the mistake.

Code: Select all

\setmainfont % font that's been used everywhere where not specifically defined otherwise
Forgot to define the font mapping initially.
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