Corned Beef Hash wrote:Posting my own answer. If you use what 'Lockstep' posted at ... ers-in-toc, the .cls file can be left as is, and the code that 'Lockstep' wrote:
Code: Select all
Can be pasted into the main.tex file directly before \tableofcontents. The added bonus is that writes in 'Appendix' in addition to 'Chapter'. I know that I am using an older version of the template, so this is probably not applicable to many people, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
Hello I used this code I can now see the word chapter followed by the number like the following
Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................................1
I need help in two things:
1) How I can add the colon after the number, means to have
Chapter 1: Introduction.....................................................1
2) The code I have is limited the number of chapters only to five, so the sixth chapter is appearing like Appendix
how I can fix this (i.e. increasing number of chapters
Thank you for your help!