Presentations and PostersSetting boxcolor to transparent

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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Setting boxcolor to transparent

Post by raychoul »

Hi Community,

I am trying to make a poster using baposter class and I would like to set a transparency on the boxcolor. I have spent the past hour searching forums but I have yet to come up with a quick insert into the template which works.

Many thanks in advance,


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Setting boxcolor to transparent

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Ray,

welcome to the forum!

Do you have a Infominimal working example, such as your current code, where we could apply it? Otherwise it is a bit theoretical without code.

Stefan admin
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:18 am

Setting boxcolor to transparent

Post by raychoul »

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for the response. I have attached a stripped back version of the tex file I am working with.


Code: Select all

% baposter Portrait Poster
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (15/5/13)
% Created by:
% Brian Amberg (
% This template has been downloaded from:
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (


\usepackage[font=small,labelfont=bf]{caption} % Required for specifying captions to tables and figures
\usepackage{booktabs} % Horizontal rules in tables
\usepackage{relsize} % Used for making text smaller in some places

\definecolor{bordercol}{RGB}{23, 55, 94} % Border color of content boxes
\definecolor{headercol1}{RGB}{165, 215, 233} % Background color for the header in the content boxes (left side)
% \definecolor{headercol1}{RGB}{140, 201, 48}
\definecolor{color2}{RGB}{241, 249, 252}
\definecolor{headercol2}{RGB}{80,80,80} % Background color for the header in the content boxes (right side)
\definecolor{headerfontcol}{RGB}{0,0,0} % Text color for the header text in the content boxes
\definecolor{boxcolor}{RGB}{186,215,230} % Background color for the content in the content boxes

\definecolor{mytext}{RGB}{23, 55, 94}


\background{ % Set the background to an image (background.pdf)
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw (current page.north west)+(-2em,2em) node[anchor=north west]

borderColor=color2, % Border color of content boxes
headerColorOne=headercol1, % Background color for the header in the content boxes (left side)
headerColorTwo=white, % Background color for the header in the content boxes (right side)
headerFontColor=headerfontcol, % Text color for the header text in the content boxes
boxColorOne=color2, % Background color for the content in the content boxes
headershape=roundedright, % Specify the rounded corner in the content box headers
headerfont=\Large\sf\bf, % Font modifiers for the text in the content box headers
headerborder=open, % Change to closed for a line under the content box headers

{\sf\bf \textcolor{black}{\huge{The Poster}}} % Poster title
\textcolor{black}{\smaller{Raychoul} \\ {\smaller (Earthling)}}

I would\\
like the boxes\\
to be transparent\\
to see a bit of the back ground\\

\headerbox{Pretty picture}{name=boundaries,span=3,column=0,row=0,below=introduction}{

\headerbox{Box three}{name=references,column=2,below=boundaries}{

\headerbox{Box four}{name=conclusion,column=2,below=references}{
\begin{tabular}{c c}

\headerbox{Box one}{name=results1,span=2,column=1,row=0}{ % To reduce this block to 1 column width, remove 'span=2'
It is purely for aethetic purposes
\headerbox{Box two}{name=results2,span=2,column=0,below=results1,below=boundaries}{ % To reduce this block to 1 column width, remove 'span=2'
In \\
Last edited by Johannes_B on Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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