Articles, Essays, and Journal TemplatesLatex template for wiley journals

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Latex template for wiley journals

Post by samia »


I need help because the journal Advanced Materials (Wiley) does not provide a Latex template and they have a set of requirements for Latex submissions but I don't know how to build a Latex template bottom up. ... latex.html

Please, does anyone have a suitable template that I could use?
It is very important and urgent for me

Thank you so much.

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Latex template for wiley journals

Post by Johannes_B »

samia wrote:a set of requirements for Latex submissions but I don't know how to build a Latex template bottom up.
Wiley wrote:Only a few guidelines are to be observed, you may lay out your document as you wish, but for easy reading by editors and referees.

Code: Select all

% arara: latex 
% use `dvips'  to coonvert to ps-format
this is text.
The code above is pretty much it. If you have external graphics, use package graphicx. All this basic knowledge can be found in every LaTeX-introduction. I can recommend LaTeX for complete novices to get started with using LaTeX for document preparation.
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Re: Latex template for wiley journals

Post by samia »

Thanks a lot Johannes_B for your help.

I will send just a pdf while waiting to find a model template.

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Latex template for wiley journals

Post by Johannes_B »

I would use latex in dvi-mode to create a dvi and convert this to Postscript (ps) vi dvips as hinted in my answer. The webpage you linked states that they prefer PS.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
sam ldb
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Latex template for wiley journals

Post by sam ldb »

samia wrote:Thanks a lot Johannes_B for your help.

I will send just a pdf while waiting to find a model template.

Good Morning Samia,

May I ask you please if you have managed to get the LATex template for Wiley? I m currenty facing the same issue and I would appreciate if you can share it.

Thanks for your support.
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