I have MicTex installed on a macbook pro retina with Yosemite 10.10.5, and I have problems with icloud. I have put my bibtex file on the icloud, and i would like to access it for my bibliography under texshop. I have tried various path names but none seems to work...
For instance, I have tried with
/Users/"simone 1"/Library/"Mobile Documents"/com~apple~CloudDocs/Lavoro/Progetti/bibliosimo
but it gives the error
White space in argument---line 38 of file RotNSBH.aux
: \bibdata{/Users/"simone
: 1"/Library/"Mobile Documents"/com\protect \unhbox \voidb@x \penalty \@M \ {}apple\protect \unhbox \voidb@x \penalty \@M \ {}CloudDocs/Lavoro/Progetti/bibliosimo}
I have some difficulties actually understanding the right path to icloud, and I suspect this may be more of an icloud issue than a texshop issue, but i am posting on both forums in hope of an answer
