TeX Live and MacTeXpath to icloud

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path to icloud

Post by speziale78 »

Dear all,
I have MicTex installed on a macbook pro retina with Yosemite 10.10.5, and I have problems with icloud. I have put my bibtex file on the icloud, and i would like to access it for my bibliography under texshop. I have tried various path names but none seems to work...

For instance, I have tried with

/Users/"simone 1"/Library/"Mobile Documents"/com~apple~CloudDocs/Lavoro/Progetti/bibliosimo

but it gives the error

White space in argument---line 38 of file RotNSBH.aux
: \bibdata{/Users/"simone
: 1"/Library/"Mobile Documents"/com\protect \unhbox \voidb@x \penalty \@M \ {}apple\protect \unhbox \voidb@x \penalty \@M \ {}CloudDocs/Lavoro/Progetti/bibliosimo}

I have some difficulties actually understanding the right path to icloud, and I suspect this may be more of an icloud issue than a texshop issue, but i am posting on both forums in hope of an answer :)

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path to icloud

Post by Johannes_B »


Spaces in file names/paths are bad. Don't use them. The tildes are also making trouble, you can try \string~ instead.

I wonder that you are using MikTeX on a Mac, are you sure about that? MikTeX is only available for Windows.

You can try the modern package biblatex along with the BibTeX replacement called biber. They might be able to better suit your needs.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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