Curricula Vitae / Résumésaddfontfeature color is distorted (e.g., white is not white)

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addfontfeature color is distorted (e.g., white is not white)

Post by rovmis »

Hi there,

I'm having a bit of difficulty with modifying color in the Friggeri template, namely the "header" color is turning out to be pink and not white in regular text.

Here's the code block I've written:

Code: Select all

    \par\vspace{\baselineskip}{\Large\headingfont\color{header} ##1}
  \begin{textblock}{3.6}(16, 1.5)
and here's it invocated in the .tex file:

Code: Select all

  test text
But here's what it looks like:

What I don't understand is that the section text in the environment turns out as white just fine, but the regular text doesn't. Any idea why the colors are getting changed and how to fix this?

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addfontfeature color is distorted (e.g., white is not white)

Post by Johannes_B »

Welcome to the forum and sorry for the late reply,

i was quite busy the last days and didn't have time to look into it closely. For now, add \color{white} before \obeycr.

It seems that you are doing things much more complex and hard as needed. Sadly, that is often the case when using templates. You are using advanced mechanics to change stuff, not succeeding leads to dissatisfaction.
I always promote reading some introductory material, a very good resource: LaTeX for complete novices.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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