Math & ScienceNorwegian comma vs period for decimal numbers.

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Norwegian comma vs period for decimal numbers.

Post by Xiphias »

Most of the world will write a decimal number like this: "0.36704 or .36704" and write a large number like this: "3,000,000"

In Norway (and probably other places in Europe), however, we write a decimal number like this: "0,36704 (and never ,36704)" and a large number like this: "3 000 000"

If I use comma "," in math environment in latex, I get a small space to the right of it as a result of it mostly being used for coordinates. Is there a way to set it up in such a way that this space is removed by default?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Norwegian comma vs period for decimal numbers.

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

You could use the icomma package. It makes the comma context aware: if there's a space after the comma, it works like before with a small space after it, if there's not space then it works like a decimal separator without additional spacing after it. So it works like expected, still letting you the option for having space.

Code: Select all

$(x, y) = (0, 3)$ % with desired space
and $z = 0,36704$.% no space after decimal separator
comma.png (9 KiB) Viewed 12341 times
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Norwegian comma vs period for decimal numbers.

Post by cgnieder »

Without a package wrap the comma in braces:

Code: Select all


$(x,y)$ $0{,}1234$ $3\,000\,000$

The package siunitx and its \num macro allows for very much customization of the printing of numbers. Here's a very short example:

Code: Select all

  add-decimal-zero = true , % default setting, not needed
  output-decimal-marker = {,} ,
  group-separator = \, % default setting, not needed

\num{0,1234} \num{.1234} \num{3000000}

\num{2.} \num{3}

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Re: Norwegian comma vs period for decimal numbers.

Post by Xiphias »

icomma package is a thing of beauty. thanks! :)
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