BibTeX, biblatex and biberauthor's last name first

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author's last name first

Post by jaisley »

Hi, I'm trying to get the citation below to output the authors as Tamura, K and Nei, M but it comes out as K Tamura and M Nei? I'm using plain bibliography style.

Code: Select all

  author =       {Tamura, K and Nei, M},
  title =        {Estimation of the number of
nucleotide substitutions in the control region of mitochondrial
DNA in humans and chimpanzees},
  journal =      {Mol. Biol. Evol.},
  year =         {1993},
  volume =       {10},
   pages =       "512-526",

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Re: author's last name first

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

If you want the bibliography to have a different style, use a different bibliographystyle command; the achemso style, for example, has authors' names as Last, F. M.; Last2, F. M. (etc.).

If you want a style that isn't in one of the .bst files you find either installed by default or from various sources on the Web, I recommend running "latex makebst" and providing the information it asks for.
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author's last name first

Post by LaTeX »

I have a related question: In my bibliography the first author get's referenced as Surname, Forename and all others as Forename Surname. Is there any reason for that and what is the common standard?


Currently I use the packages

Code: Select all



\bibliographystyle{babunsrt} .
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author's last name first

Post by Johannes_B »

Yes, this is common standard.

Using modern package biblatex slight modifications like swapping names is fairly easy.
Annoyinly hard with the old system using bst-files.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Re: author's last name first

Post by LaTeX »

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