An example using XeLaTeX. The font can be found at
1001 fonts and is free (also for commercial use).
Code: Select all
% arara: xelatex
\newfontface\studentwrite{James Almacen}
Fill in the blanks! \begin{example}Johnathan Mueller\end{example} Normal text

- latexlearnerXelatex.png (11.37 KiB) Viewed 8827 times
Of course, a free font has clear short comings, as only very basic charackters are supported. Try the german umlauts, they will fail.
If you are trying some time to typeset
handwritten math (ie. an integral sign or something) be warned: Nothing out there. Before starting too look, get a tablet PC and a pen and trace your own handwriting. A bit of fontforge magic and you have your very own set of a font.
Maybe a simple calligraphic font is enough for you?
Code: Select all
Fill in the blanks! \studentfillin{Johnathan Mueller} Normal text
This time, you can click on
Open in writelatex and see the output
by the way, this is the perfect timing to mention
italic correction.
Code: Select all
Fill in the blanks! \studentfillin{Johnathan Mueller}Normal text again\par
Fill in the blanks! \studentfillin{Johnathan Mueller}Normal text again\par
Please compare the different output. Be sure not to be sleepy, you need to take a close look

The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.