Fonts & Character SetsError with fontspec (LuaLaTex)

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Error with fontspec (LuaLaTex)

Post by latex-user »


I want to use the fontspec package to use different fonts. Unfortunatenly I get the following error when compiling the .tex file:

luaotfload | db : Font names database not found, generating new one.
luaotfload | db : This can take several minutes; please be patient.miktex-luatex.exe: Windows API error 1231: Das Netzlaufwerk ist nicht erreichbar. Weitere Informationen über die Behebung von Netzwerkproblemen finden Sie in der Windows-Hilfe.

miktex-luatex.exe: Data: \\MiKTeX\]MPM[\fonts\opentype

I use MikTeX 2.9 on Windows Vista, 32 bit. I used LuaLaTeX as translator.

What can be the problem?

Thanks in advance!
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Error with fontspec (LuaLaTex)

Post by Johannes_B »

Crosspost to goLateX
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