Conversion ToolsSimple Converter Word to Latex

Information and discussion about output converters related to LaTeX (e.g. dvips, ps2pdf, ...)
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Simple Converter Word to Latex

Post by mrisouza »

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum, so, forgive me if I'm doubleing this issue. In case that happens, would you please link me to the original solved topic.

Does anyone know a converter (for windows) which converts word text to latex symbols? I'm gonna give you an example, because I don't want anything too sophisticated as I've been seeing around. I'd like a converter in which the input is a word document with mathematical writings and the output is simply a text archive with the correspondent latex codes.

For example, if I enter an archive containing "x²+2x+3", the output might be "x^2+2x+3".

Thank you in advance.

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Simple Converter Word to Latex

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Welcome to the forum!

I heard, Writer2LaTeX is not so bad. Here are some possibilities listed: UK FAQ Word to TeX converters.

If it's not a lot of pages, manually typing would be probably cleaner than machine generating. We could help if you would have syntax questions. Feel free to ask anything.

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Re: Simple Converter Word to Latex

Post by mrisouza »

Hi, Stefan, thank you in advance for your answer. Since I'm typesetting an existing book in docx, seems It would be impossible to typeset all manually: I'm trying to avoid this Homeric work! I've seen it's for OpenOffice. I'm trying on my Windows and see if It's ok. :)
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Simple Converter Word to Latex

Post by trialero »


Give pandoc a try --

I use pandoc in FreeBSD and Linux to convert whatever format to something editable. Just tried conversion of a docx file to .tex and it looks reasonable good. However I don't have a Word file with the math you provided.

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Simple Converter Word to Latex

Post by svilen »

If you prefer a free tool, docx2tex is a very good docx to tex converter. The only drawback is that it has no user interface - it is a command line tool, but is working fine.

You can download it from github - - go to "download the latest release".

On Windows - unzip the archive and use it in the following way:
d2t.bat path_to_your_file.docx
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